Protein Identification (IBMS-ID)


Identification of proteins in a gel band/spot or in solution. 


Gel bands/Gel spots. We accept any type of gel matrix and most stains (please avoid the Bio-Rad Silver Stain Plus Kit). Make sure to cut the band close to your target, the gel band dimensions should be ~5mm x 2mm. 
Protein in solution. Required protein concentration of ≥1µg/µL in 50-100L of buffer. Please provide detailed buffer information with your sample submission, as well as sequence info on the target protein(s). 

Sample preparation: Digestion with trypsin, Reduction & Alkylation
LC-MS/MS: Digested samples are analyzed with LC-MS/MS
Data analysis: Protein identification performed with Sequest HT
Report generation: PDF/Excel
Turnaround time: 2 weeks


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  • Product Code: IBMS-ID
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $895.00