LoTox™ Peanut Flour Protein with Defined Allergen Content (LTN-AHRE-1)

  • LoTox™ Peanut Flour Protein with Defined Allergen Content (LTN-AHRE-1)
Allergen: Arachis hypogaea, peanut
Volume: 1ml
Source: Light roasted peanut flour (Runner cultivar)
Mol. Wt: Ara h 1: 64 kD monomer; Ara h 2: 19-19 kD doublet
Ara h 3: 58 kD non-red; Ara h 6: 14.5 kD; Ara h 8: 17 kD

See product insert.


See product insert.


Preservative and carrier-free in sterile, endotoxin-free Phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4.  Sterile filtered.

Storage: Store at -20ºC.  Do not allow product to remain at 4°C or room temperature for extended periods of time.  Re-freeze unused portion and aliquot into smaller quantities if necessary to avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
  1. A LoTox­™ product:  Endotoxin ≤ 0.03 EU/µg.  
  2. Use sterile tips to avoid contamination of product.
  3. Avoid repeated Freeze/Thaw cycles.
  4. The LoTox Natural Peanut Flour Protein is an InBio® product


Product Resources: LoTox™ Peanut Flour Protein Certificate of Analysis
Allergens are provided for research and commercial use in vitro: Not for human in vivo or therapeutic use.



  1. Becker WM and Jappe U. Peanut allergens. Chem Immunol Allergy. 2014;100:256-67. 
  2. Koid AE et al. Ara h 6 complements Ara h 2 as an important marker for IgE reactivity to peanut. J Agric Food Chem. 2014; 62(1):206-13.
  3. Filep S. Specific allergen profiles of peanut foods and diagnostic or therapeutic allergenic products. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018;141(2):626-631.



File Name Size Added Link
Focus on... Peanut Allergens 317.68KB 22/05/2014 Download
Focus on... Peanut Allergens
LTN-AHRE_CoA 249.86KB 18/11/2016 Download
LoTox™ Peanut Flour Protein Certificate of Analysis
  • Product Code: LTN-AHRE-1
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $455.00

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